If you are working in Early Learning and Care or considering a career in this area, your local CCC will be able to assist with the following:
Some examples of information on support provided by your Childcare Committee include
- Government Childcare Subsidies
- Sustainability
- Governance
Contact your local Childcare Committee for further information on supports that they offer.
Help setting up your own childcare service
If you are thinking about setting up a childcare service, please contact your local Childcare Committee who will discuss the options available to you.
Information on Childcare Programmes
Your local CCC can guide your through the range of government childcare subsidies currently available for families. They will support you in answering queries regarding how the schemes work, such as how to register children and advice on how to comply with scheme rules.
The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM)
The Access and Inclusion Model (AIM) is a model of supports designed to ensure that children with disabilities can access the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) programme. Your local CCC can offer advice, support and training relating to AIM and how it might benefit your service.
Inspections and Regulations
Regulations governing pre-school services are formulated, monitored and implemented by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).
Early Learning and Care services are inspected by Tusla, the Child and Family Agency and by the Department of Education and Skills
Your local CCC can assist with advice and guidance on childcare regulations, the Quality Regulatory Framework and other inspection related matters such as CAPA forms.
Child Protection
The Children First Act 2015 imposes obligations on key professionals to report child protection concerns at or over a defined threshold to Tusla. Providers of relevant services must carry out a comprehensive risk assessment of their service and develop a Child Safeguarding Statement.
All persons running a registered early years service and those employed in them as childcare staff are mandated persons under the Act.
Contact your local Childcare Committee for further information on training that they offer to assist you in meeting your obligations.
Information on Garda Vetting
Under the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012-2016 it is mandatory for people working with children or vulnerable adults to be vetted by the Garda SÃochána National Vetting Bureau.
Provide training
Childcare Committees offer a range of training to enhance the delivery of quality childcare. In relation to Childcare Providers Training please contact your local Childcare Committee who will discuss the options available to you in your county.
• Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Child Protection
Qualifications (advice and information for those considering a career in childcare)
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) has published a list of qualifications that meet the regulatory requirements for working in the Early Years sector in Ireland.
This list contains all qualifications which have been approved by DCEDIY. It also sets out the appropriate level of DCEDIY approval (i.e. meets regulatory requirements; eligible for Room Leader – standard capitation; eligible for Room Leader – higher capitation). The list can be viewed here